Ingredients 2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour 1 teaspoon baking soda 1 teaspoon salt 1...
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Laura Crook
Mongolian Meatball Ramen
If you are looking for a dish that is cheap, can feed a lot of people, and is...
The perfect board
It’s fall y’all! Fall means that all the holidays are coming up! It’s time to start...
Bacon Wrapped Dates
Bacon Wrapped Dates With Feta With the holidays looming and with a snap of...
Waxing your Cutting Board
So, you are looking for more ways to keep your Gum Creek cutting board in pristine...
Cheating Spanakopita (serves 4)
Ingredients: 1 package of thawed puff pastry 1 small yellow onion 2 tbsp...
How to Wash and Oil your cutting board
You just bought the most beautiful cutting board from Gum Creek Boards. You love it...
How to build a Beautiful Greek Charcuterie
My name is Nicole Crook, I am fourteen years old, and my parents own Gum Creek...
Wood Cutting Boards
I have a confession to make: I was not always the biggest fan of wood cutting...
Why: Buy a Board, Feed a Lumberjack?
This is how we came up with our slogan for the homepage of our website and a little about why we do what we do!